Note – Prices and availability may be inaccurate! Use prices for comparison only and always check the roaster’s website for the most up to date information.
How to use Bean Base Filters :
> Start your bean search by choosing columns to filter with the dropdown.
> Enter or change the value you want to filter for each filter row. Press the “Add Filter” button to add more filter rows.
> Refine your search by using AND/OR/NOT logic.
AND logic ensures the value you are filtering is always considered in your search.
OR logic is used when you have multiple different values you want to search for within a specific filter parameter.
NOT logic is used to ensure the value you specified is filtered out of your search.
> Use the “Clear Filters” button when you want to quickly refresh your search.
> The “Copy Link” button lets you save your filters through the URL or even share your search with friends!
Latest Database Changes :
- Added columns: “Roast Type,” “Harvest,” “Minimum Elevation,” “Maximum Elevation.”
- Updated “Roast Degree” with new options: Ultra Light, Nordic Light, Light, Medium-Light, Medium, Medium-Dark, Dark.
- Renamed “Roaster” column to “Roaster / Seller.”
- Implemented a general search bar.
- Added searchable dropdown for Producer with over 400 preset options and allowed manual input.
- Enhanced dropdown filters to support manual entry.
- Added elevation range filter.
- Added Roast Type filter (Omni, Filter, Espresso).
- Set “Show Available Only” filter to enabled by default.
- Debugged “Tasting Note” and “Search All” filters.